How mock elections confuse children and shape our future

By: Ian J. Smith In 2012 schools nationwide hosted mock elections to find out whom their students would pick for president.  The point of these is to shed light on a younger perspective and make students feel like they are part of the political action.  While they may feel more politically responsible, these mock elections force children to choose a party and candidate when they … Continue reading How mock elections confuse children and shape our future

Excessive security won’t save our schools

By: Ian J. Smith Breaches in security at public schools- as major as the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting and as minor as the “break-in” last school year at my school- have schools attempting to increase security. How they are going about it, unfortunately, does not make much sense. Our local paper can sum up the story of what transpired last October. The problem with these … Continue reading Excessive security won’t save our schools